While the floor actions of the legislature garner most of the attention and headlines, some of the most important work on the bills and policies that impact our lives takes place during the meetings of the Senate’s 22 standing committees.
Every bill introduced in the Senate and those approved by the House of Representatives are all referred to — and must be approved by — at least one of those committees before they can come before the full Senate for consideration. The standing committees are also the direct link with the various departments, agencies, boards and commissions under the Governor’s administration.
I am pleased to report that I will serve as Chairman of the Senate Game & Fisheries Committee for the 2019-20 Legislative Session. As an avid outdoorsman and as someone who truly appreciates the benefits of living along the shore of Lake Erie, I welcome the opportunity to chair the committee that oversees recreational activities enjoyed by millions of Pennsylvanians.
My committee will be working closely with the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission to develop policies and programs that impact hunters, boaters and anglers across the Commonwealth. My goal is to make Pennsylvania the number one state for sportsmen and women, and also to re-engage our youth in outdoor activities.
In fact, as one of its first actions, the Game & Fisheries Committee met on February 5 to consider and approve my bill that would empower the Game Commission to authorize Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania.
In addition to chairing the Game & Fisheries Committee, I will serve as Vice Chairman of the Banking & Insurance Committee and as a member of the Appropriations, Community & Economic Development, Intergovernmental Operations, and Urban Affairs & Housing committees for the 2019-20 Legislative Session.
I am especially pleased to serve as a member of the Appropriations Committee, which is tasked with reviewing all legislation for its fiscal impact. The Appropriations Committee also plays a crucial role in developing the state budget each year, a job that will begin in earnest later this month with three weeks of hearings on Governor Wolf’s proposed $34.1 budget for Fiscal Year 2019-20.
With the uncertainties of the state economy and a level of anxiety present in the business community, Pennsylvania must remain fiscally responsible in the investment of taxpayer dollars. We have a basic responsibility to ensure that state spending is practical and prudent. We should be focused on making Pennsylvania more competitive and more attractive for economic development.
In closing, I encourage local residents to visit my website, www.senatorlaughlin.com, and my Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/senatorlaughlin/, to keep up to date with state government news – including the state budget and the Game & Fisheries Committee– and learn more about state services and agencies.
Contact: Matt Azeles mazeles@pasen.gov