HARRISBURG – The state Senate has approved Sen. Dan Laughlin’s legislation that would end Pennsylvania’s prohibition on Sunday hunting.
“While Pennsylvanians are allowed to hunt on three Sundays every year, hunters should have the right to hunt on any Sunday they choose,” said Laughlin (R-49). “The Sunday hunting prohibition is one of the last vestiges of our commonwealth’s antiquated ‘Blue Laws,’ which were created a very long time ago, some dating back to colonial times.”
Authored by Sens. Laughlin and Jim Brewster, Act 107 of 2019 allows hunting on three Sundays each year. These specific Sundays are designated annually by the Pennsylvania Game Commission: one during the deer rifle season, one during the deer archery season, and one at the Commission’s discretion.
Laughlin’s Senate Bill 67 would have Pennsylvania join the 39 states that have no limits on Sunday hunting. Even some of the 10 states that, like Pennsylvania, limit hunting are far more lenient in their restrictions than Pennsylvania is. Only two of those 10 states – Maine and Massachusetts – still have a complete ban on Sunday hunting.
Hunting provides economic benefits to the commonwealth. It supports jobs, generates revenue, and sustains businesses, from sporting goods stores to rural diners.
“We know from surveying hunters and potential hunters that the top reason people have walked away from hunting is a lack of time,” Laughlin explained. “It’s clear allowing hunting on only three Sundays hasn’t provided enough freedom to encourage more people to purchase hunting licenses. Hunting is a tradition passed down through families, a bonding experience between generations, lifting this restriction will not only preserve this tradition but also ensure that it can be fully enjoyed and passed on to future generations.”
Though some have raised concerns about the safety of increased hunting, there haven’t been reported safety issues arising out of the three days of Sunday hunting since it started in 2020, or from the hunting of the few types of game (foxes, crows and coyotes) currently allowed on any Sunday.
“My bill gives the needed latitude to the Game Commission to increase hunting and trapping opportunities, and rebuild interest in hunting, which will end up benefiting all of Pennsylvania,” said Laughlin.
For more state-related news and information, constituents can visit Laughlin’s website at www.senatorlaughlin.com or follow him on Facebook and Twitter @senatorlaughlin.
Contact: David Kozak 717-787-8927